Showing posts with label Funny facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny facts. Show all posts

Friday, September 19, 2014


Dangote's daughter cheated on me and you say I should break up? Don't you know that Love is all about forgiveness. Beloved sisters in the Lord, if your boyfriend can finish 5 loafs of bread and 2 fishes; you are dating 5000 people. How can a pastor be preaching about charity and put a password on Church WIFI? 
A boy I beat up back then in primary school is now in the US Army. He poses with guns on Facebook, and looks like he hasn't forgotten. 
When you are kissing your girlfriend and you see the person owing you money, what will you do? 
One stone is enough to break a glass, one word is enough to break a heart, one second is enough to fall in love BUT Why is one chapter not enough to pass exams? 
When you see a Nigerian couple outside staring at the moon, It's either NEPA (Nigeria's Electricity company) took the light or they are waiting for the smell of the insecticide to subside. 
I just saw a Tricycle (Keke Napep) with an inscription "Trust No woman" I have a feeling that guy once had a range rover. If you want to change the world, do it now that you are still single, because when you get married, you can't even change the T.V station.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


If you wanna know who is having relationship problems check Facebook.
If you wanna know who died check Facebook.
If you wanna know who was shot check Facebook.
If you wanna know who is single check Facebook.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


During My school Days I ObservedThat: (1)Since José Mourinho got sacked by Chelsea in 2007. Chelsea have won 7 trophies and Arsenal have won 0." (2)When you scream God's name during sex, Iwonder if you're trying to remind Him to punish u later." (3)The day a Ghost got involved inan accidentwas the day i stopped watching Nollywood." (4)What's the relationship between Rain & PHCN in Nigeria? It seems almost like an automatic switch thing.. (5)Someone walks up to u drinking Ice-Creamand tells u to help him with T-fare cos he'sStranded..p ­ls shoot Him!" (6)He did the Exam so well that HeTook the Answer Scripts Home to show His Room-mates" (7) That awkward moment when you type"Trophyless ­ ­ ­" on Google and the result shows"Arsenal"" (8)Just put currency sign in front of your pin and igbo girls would add you. $2737A4A7" (9) sweat from some girls' armpits will turn blue litmus paper red." (10)If your Girlfriend refuses to accept the Bible & anointing oil or Qu'ran as Vals gift, free her, na WITCH" (11)They say love is more important than money. Pls try paying a lagos conductorur with a hug?" (12)In a Nigerian Home...If your friend forgetsto greet your parents, that's the end of that friendship.if you agree" (13)Women are like police, they might have allthe evidence in the world but they stillwant a confession!" (14)People That Smoke Weed Before Going ToChurch. You Wanna Compete With The Most High? (15)In a Naija Home, ur parents will call u frm ur room to pick up something that is sitting literally 2inches away from them. (16)If God's Plan For You is BROWN TEETH, Even IRON SPONGE Cannot Change It!" (17)If 80k brazilian hair couldn't get you a good husband, why not use it to pay a counselor to talk good sense into your life" (18) Ushers sef.. Dey won't allow one sleep comfortably during service.. Thought the house of God is also my father's house?" (19)The hot girl next to me in class just fell asleep maybe i should sleep beside her and tell my friends i sleep with her.