Monday, December 2, 2013


D asociation of nigeria university studnt (ANUS) shal go on an indefinite strike afta ASUU cal of theirs because 1. Hostel fee expired durin d on goin strike nd ASUU shuld refund dat 4 d studnt 2. Ladies gain admision into unexpected pregnancies , ASUU shuld find somtin 2 do 2 dat 3.there re som money students gain 4rm there parents wich was denied wit d reaction of ASUU, dat shud b refunded 4.transport fare 4rm skul 2 various houses nd 4rm house bck 2 skul shud b refunded 5. Megabite wasted on checking d update on ASUU strike wit d internet shud b refunded 6.hostel go don dirty, dusty, spider web rat sheet nd oda dirty stuf shud b clean 7.milk, tea, spageti, indomie nd b fud wey go don expire shud b updated 8.boyz don too hustle, we don go off shape, asuu should settle us oo Lastly... One section should b skipped 'everybody move to nxt level' . . .we no go gree only if ASUU meet nd acept al dis demands

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