Friday, May 24, 2013


In a certain village, lived a man named Mr.John wit his wife nd kids. He is humble personafied bt lived in poverty. One day, three gud friends decided 2 visit him. They wia: Love, Peace nd Wealth respectively. Three friends: knock on d door. Mrs John: who's it? As she opens d door Mr John: Darling, who's dia? Mrs John: Honey, pls come. Mr John: who r u? Mr/Mrs John: pls, come in Three friends: Introduced themselves, nd said,'u ave 2 choose 4rm amongst us jst one person nd d oda 2 wuld go back. Mr/Mrs: went inside confused of who 2 choose. Mrs John: Honey, lets choose Wealth, u knw we lack money. Mr John: No, i tink we shuld choose Peace. Mrs John: pls, i tink Love is beta. U knw diaz no luv in our family. Mr John: Ok! Mr/Mrs John: Concluded 2 choose Love. Dey went nd chose Love. Surprisinly, d three friends came 2geda. Mr/Mrs John full of surprise ask why d three wia coming. They answered nd said, 'If u had chosen WEALTH, he wuld av cum alone, if u had chosen PEACE, he wuld av cum alone 2. But u chose LOVE.....Love is a carrier of both wealth nd peace. Wit LOVE all tins ar POSSIBLE. God is Love(1 John 4:7-8). And dey lived happily in Love, Peace nd Wealth.

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